Maître Coutelier depuis 1902 - Thiers
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Legal notices

This internet site is for consultation only. It constitutes in no way a tool for sales by correspondence.


SARL Claude Dozorme  ZA Racine – quartier Fontane – 63650 la Monnerie


Director of the publication: Claudine Dozorme


Photo credits Studio Gibert


OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)820 320 363
SAS au capital de 10 000 000 € – RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 – SIRET 424 761 419 00045 – APE 6202A – N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419


Creation and development
La Machine, créateurs de solutions de communication


In accordance with article 27 of the law n° 78-17 of 6th January 1978, the user is informed that the personal data which he communicates, notably in filling in the forms present on the site may be transmitted and exploited by the SARL, Claude Dozorme. The user is informed that he has the right to access, to rectification and to opposition in relation to the data, by writing to the SARL Claude Dozorme, whose address figures above.


Intellectual property rights
The website, its general structure, as well as its text, images, animated or not, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics (…) and all other element making up the site, are the exclusive property of the SARL, Claude Dozorme.


The same is true for the data bases figuring in the website of the SARL, Claude Dozorme which are protected by the provisions of the law of 1st July 1998 in relation to transposition in the code of intellectual property of the European directive of 11th March relative to the legal protection of data bases, and of which the SARL, Claude Dozorme is the producer. The trademarks of the SARL Claude Dozorme, as well as the logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks (semi-figurative or not). Any use or reproduction, total or partial, of the site, the elements of which it is composed and/or the information therein, by whatever means, is strictly forbidden and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by the Code of intellectual property, except with prior and written agreement from the SARL Claude Dozorme.

  • Claude Dozorme

  • Contact

    Z.A. Racine | Quartier Fontane
    63650 La Monnerie - Le Montel

       +33 (0) 4 73 51 41 06

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